Board of directors
The company is governed by a Board of Directors currently consists of five members:
Franco Cornagliotto
Silvana Candeloro
Nazzareno Lasagno
Danilo Ciravegna
Federico Cornagliotto
Management board
aizoOn’s operations are directed by the executives of the Management board and the Board of directors:
Silvana Candeloro
Franco Cornagliotto
Federico Cornagliotto
Market Manager
Andrea Bascheri
Market Manager
Danilo Ciravegna
Market Manager
Luca Bolognini
Technology Unit Manager
Luigi Pignatelli
Market Manager
Danilo Massa
Technology Unit Manager
Osvaldo Bordoni
Market Manager
Company structure
Board of Directors
Board of Directors acts according to the civil code, the corporate statute and in the interest of the shareholders.
Quality Management System
Quality Management System establishes the execution, control and improvement of the company quality management.
IT Security
IT Security ensures the security of the IT infrastructure, data and applications.
Information Systems
Information Systems, in compliance with IT security policies, manages the corporate information systems and supports the end user with applications and services.
Prevention and Protection Service
Prevention and Protection Service supervises all the activities according by Italian legislative decree D.Lgs. 81.
Administration, finance and control
Administration, finance and control is responsible for all corporate activities related to bookkeeping, financial and fiscal management
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management defines and executes personnel management and developm
ent processes.
Operations is the organizational structure for all the activities related to the production processes.
aizoOn is structured into market areas, directed by Market Managers, organized in Business Units and Practices, differentiated by Service lines and Competence Centers.
The Auditing firm
The Auditing firm monitors the company’s adherence to laws and principles as per corporate statute and controls the compliance with the management practices, the organizational model and accounting principles.
The Supervisory body ensures application and effectiveness of the organization, management and control model and updates the model in order to prevent commissions of crime.
Auditing firm
The Auditing firm monitors the company’s adherence to laws and principles as per corporate statute and controls the compliance with the accounting principles and the effectiveness of the aizoOn’s organization, management and accounting model.
Supervisory Body
The Supervisory Body controls the correct compliance with the obligations defined by the Organizational Model in order to prevent commissions of crime according to Italian legislative decree D.Lgs. 231/2001.
The appointed members of the Supervisory Body are as follows:
- Mario Montalcini – President – external member
- Danilo Massa – internal member
- Valentina Corino – external member
organizational, control and management model was approved by the Board of
Directors on July 30th, 2011.
To contact the Supervisory Body for further information, or to report any violation, please e-mail to
231 Model
aizoOn adopts an organization, management and control model, in accordance with the provisions of the Italian Legislative Decree 231/01. This Decree disciplines the administrative liability of juridical persons, companies and associations even if without legal status.
With the enacting of this Decree, the Italian legislator considers the obligations established by international and community conventions, which require liability for juridical persons and a commensurate sanctioning system, capable to deal with corporate criminal liability in a direct and effective way.
With the approval of the organization, management and control model, aizoOn has created a supervisory body which ensures the application of the model and the effectiveness of the measures to prevent commission of crimes, in order to guarantee a correct management of the company.
Code of ethics
aizoOn’s code of ethics states the company’s commitment towards its stakeholders.
The code of ethics clearly establishes values and principles that provide the starting point to pursue its business purpose, emphasizing the right tools in order to respect them. It is an integral part of the managing and organization model as required by Italian legislative decree D.Lgs. 231/2001. The ethical code contains aizoOn’s non-negotiable principles and values.
aizoOn is committed to respect those principles and values, and expects from its employees, its consultants, suppliers and anyone who establishes a relationship with the company to respect them too.
Values such as legality, impartiality, commitment, honesty, quality and accountability are key factors for the company’s success.
The compliance with of those principles and values ensures the effective functioning of aizoOn and protects the company’s reputation and reliability.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy.
aizoOn refers to a shared value system, based on work ethics, professionalism, fairness, transparency, inclusion, loyalty, trust, legality and social responsibility.
aizoOn believes that diversity can facilitate the creation of a working context capable of stimulating the birth of new ideas and solutions, promoting positive performance and contributing to sustainability.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy, aizoOn reiterates its commitment on creating a fair, inclusive working environment free of any discrimination, direct or indirect, in relation to gender, sexual orientation and identity, age and to generation, disability, state of health, ethnic origin, nationality, religious faith, political opinions, etc.
AZ-D502-Politica Diversità Equità e Inclusione-V2.0.pdf
Social responsability
aizoOn has adhered to the SA8000 Standard and implemented a Management System for Social Responsibility, thus reiterating its commitment to promoting an ethical and responsible working environment and respect for fundamental human rights.
The SA8000 standard is based on the fundamental principles of social responsibility and respect for workers' rights.
The standard defines rigorous requirements on crucial issues such as: child and forced (or compulsory) labor, safety and health at work, freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, (non)discrimination, disciplinary practices, working hours and fair wages.
Adherence to the SA8000 standard reflects aizoOn's commitment to: ensuring safe, healthy and dignified working conditions for all employees and collaborators, respecting national and supranational regulations on labor protection as well as the relevant national collective agreements , disseminate its social responsibility policies to all interested parties and stakeholders, operate consistently with the concept of sustainable development and taking into consideration - in the definition and implementation of its strategy - the social, environmental and economic impacts deriving from its activities.
MSA_SA_04A SA8000 reporting form (ITA-ENG).pdf
AZ-D801-Social Accountability Policy-V1.0.pdf
AZ-D803-Child labour procedure and remediation plan-V1.0.pdf